Theta Mu Sigma Chapter History

The Theta Mu Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was chartered in Dallas, Texas on October 11, 1983. Theta Mu Sigma was organized in the Summer of 1982 in the home of Soror Ann Regans. Five brothers were involved in the initial planning process, and a petition was filed with the National office of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, during the summer of 1982. These initial founding brothers were Bro. David Whitaker, Bro. Demetrius Newton, Bro. Ladell Fites, Bro. Sherman Roberts and Bro. Brother Billy Pinkney. Also joining the initial five brothers was Bro. Clarence Mosley and Bro. Littlejohn. These seven brothers became the organizing members of the Theta Mu Sigma Graduate chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

This chapter was organized on the premise that Dallas was becoming a mega city and could support two graduate chapters. In addition, Theta Mu Sigma would serve as a bridge to younger brothers graduating from area colleges such as Paul Quinn, SMU, and Texas A&M Commerce.

On October 11, 1982, the brothers received their membership application for the newly organized chapter. In January 1983, the chapter charter was approved with ” Theta Mu Sigma” as its name.

Theta Mu Sigma has made a significant impact in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. The chapter participates annually with the March of Dimes and the Dallas Police Department with its nationally acclaimed youth mentoring program the Sigma Beta Club.

Theta Mu Sigma has long featured officers from the Texas State and Gulf Coast Region Executive boards. It also includes Past International Executive board members and a former International President. Theta Mu Sigma is truly committed to the ideals of Brother, Scholarship, and Service.